Jewellery Designer & Goldsmith



Design September month

First of all, what is Design September?

Design September is an organisation with a strong reputation. It engages a multitude of venues to participate within its various concepts. A yearly event, during the month of September.

Another exciting time of year in our capital. This event consequently makes Brussels buzz. Most of all, it brings visitors to the city. Because a multitude of shops, galleries, workshops and pop-ups host events throughout the city.

JoyaBrussels is one of the participating shops. This evening is their private view. Yet, this year JoyaBrussels chose to theme their event for DesignSeptember 2016.  


First of all, JoyaBrussels has themed its event. All participating designers have therefore created one or more pieces of jewellery, around the word “perspective”. As a result, each designer creates their own interpretation of the word. These jewels will be the main feature of the gallery, during the month of Design September. Also, there still is the main collection of jewellery on display at JoyaBrussels.

For the theme “Perspective” I have created a silver pendant set with amethyst. The pendant was inspired by my interpretation of the word “Perspective” : starting from one point… In the image accompanying this blog you will find the drawing, starting from one point and the actual pendant itself. All the designers participating in JoyaBrussels’ event will be present at the private view. I look forward to seeing you all there this evening. Updates are posted on the JoyaBrussels FB event.



Aurore is the owner of the contemporary jewellery gallery, JoyaBrussels. In addition to the gallery, there are jewellers renting workspace on the mezzanine. Although, most noteworthy is the gallery’s concept. JoyaBrussels has a variety of jewellers’ work on display in the gallery. Hence offering more choice. With a minimum of 10 jewellers at time. Each jeweller rents a display case. These are elegant white cubes, in a white lofty space. Consequently, the jewellery on display is forever changing. At present, I am one of the jewellers, displaying my work at JoyaBrussels.

Saskia Shutt

First of all, I have a small collection of silver jewellery on display at JoyaBrussels. Furthermore, there is my look book. This represents most of my past commissioned work in gold and platinum. Hence, customer’s can view more than just my work on display.

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Saskia's Blog

Design September 2013

Design September 2013

Explore Craftsmanship and Creativity During Design September 2013 I am thrilled to invite you to my open door event and ...
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Celebrating twenty years as a jeweller

Celebrating twenty years as a jeweller

Introduction to my 20 Years as a Jeweller Proudly announcing celebrating twenty years as jeweller. In 1999, is the year ...
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Famous blue diamond

Famous blue diamond

The Royal Bleu Did you know that most of the French Crown jewels or ‘Diamants de la Couronne de France’ ...
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MODO Parcours 2012

MODO Parcours 2012

In less than 2 weeks Saskia Shutt will be exhibiting her jewellery at the 2012 MODO Parcours! This is a ...
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